NOTE 1: Generally, when the LED of device is changing colors (green, red and orange) this means that it is working and you must wait. When it is blinking in green intensively, then working (original) key is needed. The third state is when it is blinking in orange intensively and it means that second key is required.
NOTE 2: Before you start working on some car, it is recommended to check if the new (second) key is blank (unlocked) via Tag key tool and ProTag.
USE CASE 1: If shortly after connection of the key-learning device to the OBDII the LED is blinking in RED intensively, this can be due to the position of the working key. Please, turn on ignition again and reconnect the device to the OBD II.
USE CASE 2: If shortly after connection of the key-learning device to the OBDII the LED is blinking in RED intensively and USE CASE1 does not help, this is indication that the dashboard has activated blocking time. This can be fixed by waiting 10-30 minutes with the dashboard powered up and ignition ON. The reconnect the device to restart the procedure.